Britney Winn Lee

Now online!

We're thrilled to announce the online version of our popular workshop, designed by our very own Britney Winn Lee, the Foundation’s Grants Outreach Coordinator! Whether you want to dive in solo or gather a group, this workshop is perfect for everyone.

Why Join?

  • Interactive & Engaging: Experience dynamic activities that can be done individually or in groups.

  • Explore Ministry Innovation: Delve into the theology behind and the necessity for innovative ministry.

  • Practical Examples: Learn from ample examples of successful ministries.

  • Idea-Generating Exercises: Participate in group activities designed to spark new ideas.

  • Resource Education: Discover the resources available through our Foundation, Conference, and regions to help bring your ideas to life.

📅 Flexible Schedule: Complete the workshop in just a few consecutive hours or spread it out over several weeks with built-in natural pauses.

🤝 Optimal Group Size: For the richest experience, we recommend forming a group of 20-25 people to maximize interaction and learning.

🗓️ Get Started! Form your group, set your schedule, and get ready to dive into a transformative experience. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn, grow, and connect.

Ready to join us?
Click the button at right and use the passcode below
to access the workshop.

Passcode: 2Cx6#pF4

Downloadable Handouts:

Innovative Exercises

Funding Sources

Mock Grant Application

Foundation Grant Page